Ben jij er klaar voor om te ontdekken hoe je een Veerkrachtig Team kunt opbouwen en behouden? Goed talent vinden is voor veel bedrijven een uitdaging en als je ze eenmaal hebt, dan wil je ze ook heel graag behouden. ‘Talent retention’ betekent meer dan alleen ‘employer branding’. Effectief leiderschap is hierbij een ander belangrijk sleutelbegrip. Zeker als je bedenkt dat generatie Z, X en Y hele andere drivers en triggers hebben. Mis deze kans niet om waardevolle inzichten te krijgen en je team naar nieuwe hoogten te leiden! Schrijf je in voor mijn exclusieve Webinar ‘De Toekomst is Nu: Zo bouw je Veerkrachtige Teams’ op dinsdag 21 november om 11:00 uur. We duiken dieper in de 'Third Culture Strategy' uit de sociale psychologie, een bewezen methode om veerkracht binnen teams te vergroten. Leer hoe deze strategie je inzichten en vaardigheden kan verschaffen om tegenslagen effectief aan te pakken en te overwinnen. Het belooft een inspirerende sessie te worden met praktische inzichten en strategieën om dit belangrijke doel te bereiken. Ook gaan we met elkaar in gesprek en duiken we dieper in de praktijkvoorbeelden die daarbij ter sprake komen. Op die manier kunnen we concrete, actuele knelpunten & behoeften bespreken en van elkaar leren. Ik geloof dat deze sessie van grote waarde kan zijn voor jou en de professionele groei van jouw team en de gehele organisatie. Schrijf je nu in via onderstaande link en geef je team de tools die ze nodig hebben om elke uitdaging met vertrouwen aan te gaan! Ik kijk ernaar uit om met je in gesprek te gaan.
Wij zijn één van de sprekers op de Nationale Conferentie Vitaliteit van Het Nederlands Expertisecentrum Vitaliteit. De conferentie wordt gehouden op 27 november in het Planetarium Amsterdam. Betrokken medewerkers willen we allemaal. Wervingskosten moeten omlaag, talent wil je behouden, continuïteit wil je waarborgen. Werknemers mee laten doen is een eerste stap in de goede richting, maar in tijden als deze zeker niet de belangrijkste stap. Naast het meedóen, is het net zo belangrijk om ervoor te zorgen dat iedereen zich ook betrokken vóelt. Om deze fase te realiseren, zijn andere vaardigheden nodig op het gebied van leiderschap, samenwerken en communiceren. En dat is best een uitdaging. In deze workshop ga ik dieper in op het overbruggen van de verschillen tussen de generaties met het doel iedereen in de organisatie het gevoel te geven erbij te horen. Wat houdt de generaties bezig, waar schuurt het en hoe kan ik ervoor zorgen dat mijn organisatie inclusief blijft? Vervolgens gaat ze dieper in op twee strategieën om samenwerking, leiderschap en communicatie tussen de generaties en in de organisatie te verbeteren, namelijk de Third Culture Strategy en de Wheel of Resilience. In mijn workshop deel ik graag kennis over human centered organisaties in combinatie met een data driven aanpak, en hoe deze gecombineerde aanpak zal leiden tot gezondere en veerkrachtige organisaties, met een blik op de toekomst. We couldn’t be prouder :))) 360Outspoken has been nominated for the Oranje Handelsmissiefonds (OHMF) 2023! One step closer to realizing our international ambitions. Each year, the Oranje Handelsmissiefonds helps 10 promising SMEs achieve their international ambitions. Thanks to their international network, knowledge and experience, they help companies successfully enter new foreign markets. The Oranje Handelsmissiefonds is an initiative by evofenedex, EY, UPS, Regina Coeli and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. SABENDER Inc, our US sister is born! The SABENDER Platform offers a wide variety of AI infused learning modules for individual team members and managers to increase their mental well-being, resilience and happiness. An online and personal tool to become mentally fit, now and in the future. Mental well-being is a skill you can learn. In 8 simple steps we help every professional to adopt the behaviors necessary for a happier life. Besides the learning modules on stress management and resilience, the platform consists of short and concise learning bites around soft skills to help you embed new behaviors, inspirational videos with field experts in psychology and mindfulness, informative podcasts on overall themes such as exercise, sleep and nutrition, and meditations and stress relief experiences in Virtual Reality. The challenges are there to put theory into practise and start bring about change. Assessments and reflections will help professionals adopt ánd maintain the right behaviors to cope with stress and increase resilience, both at work and in their day to day lives, now and in the future. Curious, discover more on Students are experiencing a lot of stress due to pressure and anxiety. We want to keep our future healthy, vital, and resilient. Now more than ever, it is time to work on coping mechanisms and new habits. More and more students are affected by stress, anxiety, and pressure. If left unmanaged, it can become stronger over time and seriously impact a person’s life in the future. Students want to be heard – and helped. Listening to their situations, fears, and stressors is vital to help them further. Below are four reactions we have gathered from our talks with students. FOMO In general, the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) causes people to assume that they have a low social rank. This belief, in turn, can create anxiety and feelings of inferiority. Furthermore, FOMO is ubiquitous in people ages 18 to 33. One survey found that about two-thirds of people in this age group admitted to experiencing FOMO regularly. Research suggests that people who experience FOMO are more likely to value social media. Some psychologists even suggest that the fear of missing out makes social media platforms so successful. For instance, they claim that FOMO drives people to use technology to let others know what they are doing and how much fun they have. SOCIAL CONNECTION TO DEVELOP NECESSARY SOFT SKILLS The term “social and emotional skills” is used in formal and non-formal education programming, and “soft skills” is used in the context of workforce development programs and higher education. “Social and emotional learning,” or SEL, is how individuals learn and apply cognitive, social, emotional, and soft skills to succeed in educational settings, work, and the community. If young people suffer from anxiety and depression, it is no surprise that their SEL is not developing fully. And social media platforms often withdraw young people from establishing and building social connections. It is no surprise that young adults suffer from this later in life when they work (or even when they get married). Actively listening to young people without judging is vital to get the conversation going, understanding the underlying problem or challenge, and providing the right resources. After all, young people are the future. PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY When employees feel comfortable with asking for help, sharing suggestions informally, or challenging the status quo without fear of negative social consequences, organizations are more likely to innovate quickly, unlock the benefits of diversity, and adapt well to change—all capabilities that have only grown in importance during the COVID-19 crisis. We believe we need to copy this strategy of psychological safety to schools and universities, enabling students to speak up without fear of rejection or judgment. When they feel comfortable asking for help, it allows them to develop the right tools for help (instead of making something others believe is helpful). IMPACT LOST SOUL SYNDROME Common signs that you've experienced Lost Soul Syndrome include anxiety, depression, emotional numbness, loneliness, emptiness, chronic fatigue, feelings of hopelessness, boredom, and profound dissatisfaction with life. MENTAL WELL-BEING IS A TALENT YOU CAN LEARN The answer to increased mental well-being is not "one size fits all". Everyone is different. What causes stress for one person gives the other energy. Increased mental well-being positively affects students’ resilience, contributing to Positive Health – proactive and preventive management of mental health. Our solution is a digital learning environment aimed at improving the quality of life of your students. By seeing mental well-being as Learning & Development, we help students in their learning process toward behavioral change and prepare for the future. Interactively, they work towards insights that are transferred to objectives and action plans on a personal and team level. FROM “AWARENESS” TO “CHANGE” Our platform offers a wide range of interactive online learnings that teach students how to integrate mental well-being into their work and private lives. Students not only learn what can or should be done differently, but they also learn how this can be anchored in their attitude and behavior. Based on the proven principles of resilience, students are shown how to increase their resilience and vitality. They are shown how they can embed this in their work (both from an individual and management perspective) and reduce burnout and absenteeism. Our experts come from a background in psychology, sports, and nutrition and complete this range of learnings. LASTING BEHAVIORAL CHANGE Based on the personal input of students, proactive feedback is given on concrete objectives and possible red flags. Each student receives personal advice on improving stress management and mental well-being. In addition, this personal feedback helps to ensure that behavioral change lasts in the long term and new habits are created. From the start of the Accenture Innovation Awards in 2007, Accenture and its partners sought to identify the most promising startups and innovations in the Netherlands, helping them grow, scale and flourish. Later on, they rebranded their name to Blue Tulip Awards. 360Outspoken was selected as one of the candidates for their theme Education and Employment in 2020. "Emerging technologies require us to prepare for a radically different future in education and the nature of work. Dramatic changes will occur in the upcoming decades, with an estimated 65% of children who start school today, going on to hold jobs that do not yet exist. This shift calls for new talent management strategies. Leading organizations must pivot their workforce to deliver more value and scale up (new skilling). Businesses need to offer new types of training to adapt to this changing reality, training that prioritizes skills that cannot be automated such as creativity, emotional intelligence and critical thinking." We are happy to say we made it to the top 20. Joining the program enabled us to CONNECT with fellow innovators, to COLLABORATE with partners, investors and media and to ACCELERATE our innovation by gaining valuable feedback from the expert jury. In 2019 I had the honour to participate in a book filled with personal stories of female entrepreneurs. Check the link on amazon if you are interested. "In this book, inspirational leaders share their personal stories, how they overcame their obstacles and what practical steps they are now taking to create a new era and paradigm for "Think and Grow Rich".This book will take you on a journey that will transform the way you think and act and as a natural consequence, accelerate your business success.This book has been written by Mirela Sula, Marina Newington, Prema Chuttoo, Sabine van Egeraat, Rosanne van Zalingen, Talia Adika, Noreen Ahmed, Linda Attram, Jana Miteva, Shuntella Richardson and Anaida Detihere to edit." We are delighted to announce our partnership with Spectra Assessment. They provide unique assessments especially equipped to measure the perception of diversity & inclusion in your organization. In striving to offer to most relevant solutions to our customers, it is vital to understand where you are right now. With Spectra Assessment we know we can offer you a clear understanding of your starting point and we can effectively determine where your strategy is attuned and where further training and development is needed. The benefit of the Spectra Assessment’s dual nature is that diversity and inclusion professionals can see the complete picture in terms of where the organization is on key D&I measures. The Spectra Assessment enables D&I consultants and other professionals to evaluate both the ‘outer ring’ (Management, Culture as well as the Policies, Practices and Procedures (3Ps) in addition to the ‘inner ring’ of Individual Beliefs and Interpersonal Skills. By looking at both the inner and outer rings it is possible to see the entire D&I picture and understand what strategies may have the greatest impact. We invite you to contact us when you are interested to understand where your diversity and inclusion strategy and corporate goals meet the requirements on a corporate or team level. |
November 2023
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